Monday, 2 November 2015


My friend Elaine came over today.
We watched a movie on my laptop and we cooked and made wraps and ate donuts and chocolates.
We sang along to songs, made home videos and took Photo Booth pictures.

It was a really good day, & I'm really happy.


Also, today was the first proper day I started with no Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat! I deleted them off my phone last night. The whole aim of it is to ease myself out of my addiction of social media. I know for myself that I am not in a position where I'm really, really over the top about social 'expectations' and shit due to the use of social media, like Essena claimed to be which was why she made it her mission to break free completely(Refer to "Reality." post). It is understandable why she would go to such extents to prevent herself from going too far. Different people have different experiences with things and hence react differently. I'm really honestly not going to be the type of person to say "I am never, ever going to use social media sites again", just because I've realised the negative side-effects or repercussions it has/can have. I strongly believe that we have a power over how we are affected by things around us. I deleted Twitter and Snapchat mostly because 1) I didn't use them often. 2) When I do use them, most of the things I post on Twitter and Snapchat are honestly nonsense and not beneficial to anyone. 3) They just made me want to publicise my life more. 4) My brain would just immediately think "TWEET" or 'SNAPCHAT" when something happens, and I don't want my life to be like that.

I deleted Instagram because I didn't want to post random nonsense as well, and I wanted to stop comparing likes and followers. I wanted to stop taking out my phone and constantly checking instagram and scrolling through pictures. I wanted to stop thinking/knowing what other people are doing. It might be called choosing to live under a rock, but as my good friend Sidney once said, "I like it under my rock". It is peaceful and personal. 

I know I will redownload Instagram soon sometime in the future. But probably to add another picture that I really like on my page, or to spread a message. 

I'm really, truly not against the users of social media. I am also in no position to judge how people live or choose to spend their time in energy. It is a personal choice. If you are okay with it, then good for you! If you aren't, then take whatever actions you think you ought to. I know that when some people read these types of posts from me they'll be like "lol why are you taking this so seriously" or "omg she's so overdramatic". But aye, there's nothing overdramatic about restricting my time online, judging other people, comparing myself to other people, doing things to make myself have a better outlook on myself and doing things to have, what to me is, a better quality of life. I need to learn to be in the moment and I need to learn the significance of 'smaller' and simpler things. I know how I deal with things and how I react to what I see and gain on social media, and I'm making sure that I improve. 
SO YES - know you, do you.

Have a good day!!!

Lots of Love,
Signing off,
Li Ling


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