Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Exams over now what? || CyberTalk

Hello my friendsies haha :) Welcome back to my blog. SO my CA2 exams just ended today but honestly, I'm just as stressed -.- SO many things to do all at once. BUT BUT BUT! I have some great plans for my youtube channel like more challenges and tags with more of my friends. Hold up. Can we talk about my youtube channel for a while?
Some people think that I make this channel to like show off or get attention or shit like that. But puh-lease. LOL! Now i'm clarifying that I did not make my youtube channel to do any of these things. I only share my channel with a selective group of friends which I know enjoy watching me embarress myself on camera. AND also because I love this group of people. Another reason is that I think through this 'youtube experience', I will get to understand myself better. Yes! I just said that. haha. Honestly, I'm only 12 and a half. I have no bloody idea who I even am yet. I didn't know my favourite colour/animal(other than unicorns) until a month ago! So yea thats that

SO BACK TO THE TOPIC. I have some really exciting plans for youtube. Angie and I are going to start a..... FASHION CHANNEL! mhmm haha. I've been thinking about making something like this and only found out that Angie wanted the same thing like a week ago haha! I'm super stoked to start putting the outfits together and stuff so do check it out when it happens :) I have also met an awesome new friend by the name of Annika(HI IF YOU'RE READING) and turns out she lives so near to me and we really want to start making tags and challenges for you guys. SO YEA! those are my plans for now :)

This is Angie if you didn't know which you probably didn't but heyyyy

One thing that I really am NOT looking forward to is the Final Year Exam which is less then idk.. 5 weeks? URGH IKR TOTAL BUMMER! But yea lets just put the unhappy stuff aside -.- NOW LETS TALK ABOUT MAH BURTHDAY!

Haha. So my birthday is in like 2 days time and i'm really excited yet reluctant to turn 13. But also excited for the presents haha! But I suddenly feel older when I know Im going to turn 13 soon. I mean, 13 = teenage years. No more child's meal or child's ticket or child's prices.. NOT EVEN CHILDRENS DAY! But, I do hope that as I grow up, I'll never lose my youth or young spirit. I don't want to become the teenager/adult that has known what the world is like and is giving up on it. Yes, I do already know how the world works and what is like, trust me, but I still want to be happy :)) SO YEAAAA IM EXCITED FOR THE PRESENTS AND UNICORNS AND CAKE AND FOOD SO ILL TRY TO POST PICS OF THESE AWESOME THINGS WHEN I CAN!

yup yup so thats it for this post :) Stay awesome and I LOVE YA!

Signing out..

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