We watch TV documentaries, shows and movies about the cruel mistreatment of animals and we say we would never condone this. This is unacceptable. I would never ever do this. We disgust it, look down on it.
But we never really know when it's happening in our own backyard.
It is very easy to have blind spots due to all the things we are taught from a very young age. It is the things we are taught that allows us to differentiate right from wrong. We grew up to where we are now with a sense of pride for our country. Of course, I speak for the majority. I do feel pride for my country and it is very easy to think that this country that we live and look up to so much, can do no wrong.
Can something as easy as going to the newest and hottest resort in town be wrong?
"It's so fun!" says everyone.
"You have to go!" says everyone.
But do you really? If you look at it in a different perspective, would you want to?
Resorts World Sentosa.
25 dolphins were captured so as to be a part of this resort. So as to be a part of what we call "entertainment". And if we want to look at it in this way, so that people can make money.
We look at the ocean to be this infinite paradise of undiscovered wonders. It's beautiful and vast. Just as we see the land, sea creatures see the ocean as their home. Imagine being taken away from this vast universe, and being kept in a concrete box where 4 walls surround you. You get to the other side with just two flicks of a tail and you circle around the same path every single day. That is not freedom. That is not justice. That's cruelty.
Activist Richard O'Barry came over to Singapore sometime ago and tried to convince people to set these dolphins free. RWS denied his request for a meeting as they already knew his aim was to get them to free the dolphins. They claimed that they are happy and are no way mistreated. Not only have 4 dolphins died so far, simply being put in a concrete cage is already mistreatment.
We don't think about these matters a lot. Because majority of the time we are thinking about how to get A on your test, for all the teenagers out there. And some people might even be questioning why the heck I'm caring so much about this.
My answer will be "Why not?". Why should I not care about the things that happens in the world and why should I not care about things that are important to me. The fact that living creatures are being taken away from their natural habitat to serve the purpose of pure entertainment is something that should make us get on our feet and try to do something about it.
So how do I do something about it?
Stop buying tickets to whatever program or place that makes use of live animals.
Simply by not buying tickets, it decreases their demand and hence their want to expand this industry. Animals are not an industry and they are not at our disposal.
The fact that we can't communicate with them does not mean they can't feel or think.
Also, do like "ACRES: Animal Concerns Research and Education Society(Singapore)" on Facebook to spread the message of animal cruelty. They are an amazing organisation that work against the status quo to do whats right.
Thank you.
Signing off...
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