Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Late night thoughts

Hey guys! It's the night before my math exam aka my last main subject exam. I'll just have art and drama left after tomorrow. I am so glad it's going to be over soon. 

Anyways I just have a lot on my mind and since I haven't posted as frequently as I used to due to exams, I thought I'd make a blog post on it.

I just feel like the whole cycle is happening again. The whole feeling where I am left out and treated as if I'm less... And the familiar stinging pain comes back, a pain I haven't felt for a few months now. Maybe it's because of the exam stress but I don't know. 

There's no sense of security with friends. Not all of my friends... But most. I worry and I always get this feeling that they are going to turn their backs on me just like so many other people have done before. I know I'm not paranoid... Because I can see it happening before my very eyes.

I'll be much happier after I can get back to being my normal self... Where I will not have to stress myself out everyday for exams and when I can have time to vent out my frustrations. When I can do the things I enjoy doing and make me happy so I wouldn't care nor think about these petty things or people that probably won't be in my life in a few months time when I change classes and classmates.

Anyways, I know some of you have just started your exams and I wish you guys all the best. Do drop me a comment or a question in my askfm anytime you like! I would love to get to know more of my readers. (:

Thank you for reading! Goodnight!

Signing off...

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