Monday, 21 October 2013

The Future

Hey everyone :) I am back after around a week but today I wanted to write about this thing that has been taking over my mind lately. And it is called my 'Future'.

 For the past week, I have had seen and heard things that really made me think about what I am going to be doing when I'm 20 or what type of person I will grow up to become. And no, this blog post isn't going to be specifically about anything like advice related or anything of that sort. I just wanted to 'pen' down my thoughts :))

So when I was writing cards to my classmates(which I will be giving next year), I wrote at the end 'please help & guide me to become a better person than I was yesterday'. I thought about why I would write that because when I write, its almost like my subconscious mind takes over me and I write all that is in my head at the moment in time. That is pretty much why I like writing so much. There's no speed limit as to how fast my thoughts can race or any limited distance my thoughts can go. So when I wrote that, I think deep inside me, I knew I wasn't the best me that I could have been this year. I knew I made mistakes I shouldn't have made and I knew I upset people who never deserved to. 

However, my mistakes don't define me.
The actions I take do.
'The Future' is usually thought about as 'when I'm 50' or 'when I'm married' or 'when I have kids' or 'when I have my own car'. Very few think of 'The Future' as tomorrow or the next week or the next month or year. I think what I meant in that card is, I didn't want to wait till I'm 30 and finally mend the mistakes I have made 17 years ago. I wanted to work to become a better person immediately. And because I knew that my classmates will be there for me and I know I will see them next year, I wanted them to guide me. 

Yesterday, there was also a presentation my seniors gave about their trip to Vietnam and there were lots of Ecological stuff and things about 'Tree Identification' that really drew me in.(OMG I KNOW SO RANDOM HAHA!) I thought about how interested I was in plants and Ecological studies. I loved how I would be able to explore forests of all the countries of the world. Then I thought about what my sister and her bf said the night before about some of their friends getting 2 degrees in University. Because usually, they say that when we get into High School & University, we need to major in something we really see ourselves doing in the future. And most of the time, major in something we can make money out of. 

So I was thinking. I really wanted to major in things I really enjoyed and was really interested in. Which are many many things- music, dance, theatre, forestry, animals science, interior design, journalism, psychology etc. I mean I haven't even experienced 75% of the things in the world yet and I already love so many things. However, I also really want to be practical and realistic. Maybe, I would first major in 'Business' or something along those lines coz you know if you study this, you can at least have knowledge about the business world and everything and be able to get a job somewhere. If I really wanted to learn about all the other things, I might have a second degree or something. Maybe not in the same year but maybe after I finish one degree I can go for another. I know that is a lot of work and I know I would have to work part-time somewhere and I don't know much about 'degrees' and 'University' but I don't know.. These all just came into my head.

In the end, even if I do just get one degree or two degrees, I would still go for classes outside school to learn about the others things I am interested in. Like Korean? haha!


Well that whole University thing also makes me think about what I will be when I grow up. Like the job I will be doing/things I will be doing/type of person. To be honest, I have absolutely no idea what I will become. I might even become a panda. I don't even know :P But for now, I will just enjoy my teenage years and accomplish great things so that I can move forward and do betterrrr!!!

Yayyyy :))
Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Signing off...

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