Friday, 27 September 2013

Thoughts on -Suicide-

HELLLOOO (Marcus Butler intro) haha! Welcome back! It has been like 4 days since I last blogged but I was itching to get back on here. So heyy! Anyways, I won't be doing an 'update' blogpost(which is where I tell you what I have been up to for the past few days/weeks) today because I honestly haven't been doing anything else other then study for exams and actually having exams. Yup I started my FYE's(Final Term Exams) and I am literally stressing out!!

Anyways, today I will be mentioning a very serious topic. I decided to write on this topic because of a question I got on my askfm the other day. For those who don't know, askfm is basically a site where people can ask questions to a particular person and questioners can be known or completely anonymous. So I got this question - 'Opinion on Suicide'. It actually scared me quite a bit when I first read the question. Am I the only one who gets chills or gets nervous whenever you see the word 'suicide'?
If you do, its not a bad thing and you're not alone. 'Suicide' is indeed a big word and along with it, comes a big meaning. Before I start on anything else, here is how I answered the question(questioner was anonymous btw)

It was a bit too long for my phone to screenshot everything but all I said was that this was the summarised version and then I told whoever that asked the question that I would make a blogpost on it and that she should see it basically. (BTW the second line I meant 'about what they are doing')

So how should I start on this... 

OKAY! well, first off can I just start off by telling all the people reading this that are suicidal/feeling somewhat hopeless, thank you for being so strong to carry on. I think it takes great courage and strength to not give up even though it seems like all the odds are against you. I have never felt suicidal before but don't think that I won't 'understand' you guys. Of course I will not be able to relate to you 100% because I might not have been in your situation before but once again, these are my thoughts on suicide and all you really need is to take in some opinions/thoughts on it. It won't hurt just doing that. 
Suicide is a big issue. Bigger then one will think. 800 000 to a million people die of suicide a year. And if we really think about it, 800 000 to a million people caused their own death. Many will argue that pain/bullies or whatever they were dealing with caused their death. But all in all, they had that choice whether or not to pick up that razor. Death is what humans are most afraid of. Its nature.  Many people will say that 'oh I wasen't afraid' but whether we want to admit it/show it or not, there will still be some form of stress/nervousness 'cast upon' us. 

A lot of people will say that they had no choice. Or that there is more pain in living. Or that no one will care if they disappear. Or that they will be doing INSERT NAME HERE a favour. 

Wake up call. It's time to start actually caring about yourself now. Delete all the people that bring you down from your life. I know its harder then hitting a 'delete' button but if you have the will, you'll be able to do it. Life is so much more than the word 'loser' written on a piece of paper. More than a thousand spitballs being thrown at you. More than the dirty looks people might shoot you. It is so so so much more than that. 
One of the main reason why people commit suicide is because they are in a state of depression or maybe crying out for help.  Relationships are also what causes many teenage suicides. By relationships, I mean being socially isolated or being a victim of bulling(please do leave a comment/tweet me/ask me on askfm whether you would like me to focus a specific post on bullying). Many of the topics I mention, branch out into many vast problems and it is almost impossible for me to include all of these problems into one headline. So, in this post, I would specifically be talking about things how I feel might be helpful to someone who is suicidal.

1) Get your physical and mental state in the right place. Find a place where you feel happy and comfortable(and please please do not mistake this for something else, I mean on earth). For example, re-do your room so that you can feel happy and free. You need your own space to be able to make your own decisions. You can even go to the library or to the park or anywhere you love. Apart from physically, you also need to focus on your mentality. Think happy thoughts. Times when you were genuinely able to smile or laugh or memorable times. You need to stop having negativity in yourself especially when sometimes, you might have negativity from the outside world fighting against you. This brings me to the next point...

2) Surround yourself with positivity. Surround yourself with people who truly care for you and your well-being. If you feel like you have no one, watch videos that make you laugh. It will really cause you to feel this positive energy when you are able to let out a chuckle or laugh. If you have a pet, he/she can also be your bestest friend. You don't need to depend on someone else to be happy. Its all your choices(read Thoughts on -Happiness-) All in all, find a source of happiness and positivity.
3) Reach out for help when needed. Okay, this point I will elaborate a lot because I experienced some things mentioned. 
I know that this is what a lot of people will tell you to do. They will tell you to 'talk to someone about your problems' and stuff like that. And if you were like me at one point in time where I pretty much had nobody to lean on, people will tell you 'go talk to your teachers or counsellers'. Hah. Yea easier said than done. I am quite sure that there will be many people out there that will feel the same way. I mean, we are not used to telling people about these things because they just leave us open and vulnerable. Sure, 'teachers and counsellers are always there to help you' but as much as that is true, some of us are not usually willing to open up on the troubles we have been through. 

Why? Well for me, I absolutely hate crying in front of people. What I hate more? The pity faces and the 360 degree change of attitude towards me. I mean, I personally don't feel comfortable with people crowding around me or holding my hand or patting my back when I cry especially with people I don't know very well. It's just a really awkward situation for me. 
If you feel the same way, don't worry you're not alone haha. I think my best advice will to be to have a diary or blog to write about your troubles or feelings. If you have read my previous posts, it gets really emotional and deep. But I guess thats how I deal with myself. I also give a lot of advice in my posts and fun fact! These advice are usually meant to encourage/help myself. Well of course other people reading my blog but most of the time for me to analyse things and the situation I am in. so go ahead and get a diary and decorate it with pretty things and things that make you happy. Use coloured pens or stickers to describe the mood you are in etc. This will help you get comfortable with your challenges and perhaps be able to tell someone about them soon enough.

So I guess this is all I have for this topic :) I hope i have managed to help some people out there and thank you guys so much for reading!

P.S. if you were looking for a message to tell you to survive today, here it is.
(double p.s. I stole that from tumblr :) 


Signing out...

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