Thursday, 25 July 2013

Random thoughts || CyberTalk

What's up?
HAHA im weird. Anyways, how ya doin? I swear I just had to type 'doin' 5 times because my computer kept changing it to 'coin'. haha. But I just wanted to put up another blog post because I don't want to slowly forget about it. Also because my friends read me on here so.. hi guys ^^

Well, school has been getting more and more stressful. Exams are coming up and the homework and everything is getting harder each day. Today(surprisingly), I actually listened during English and Chemistry class :0 SHOCKER!! haha they were the main 2 classes today because most of Chinese class was taking pics with a temp. CL teacher(who was so nice!). Math, my teacher decided to give some inspirational talks and everything so we literally did nothing there haha. But yea, I always feel really good when I DO listen and learn something in class.

Anyways, I feel like I keep talking about school in every post so.. here are just some random thoughts that come into my mind. I realllyyyy have something against ants. The other day, I was re-heating my sausage when I came home from school. Only after it was heated, I opened the oven and found so many dead and cooked ants in there. Ants like sausage apparently. ew. I really wanted my sausage. Thats about my sausage. NOWADAYS I HAVE BEEN REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO P.E.! I think its because we are on the football module and I really like having football games, though they do hurt sometimes. OMG I JUST RE-READ THE PAST 3 SENTENCES AND REALISED HOW WRONG 'thats about my sausage' SOUNDS! am I the only one? Haha. The other day, I was stringing my guitar(I bought a new string to replace my broken one) and it was my first time... so I think it was too tight and it snapped! THE NEW STRING SNAPPED! and then it just had to graze my arm when it snapped. I had like a scar or mark. Its still here just not as bad as 10 seconds after the incident haha.

Thats the end of my random thoughts. here are some random pics ^^

Haha kay! Thats all for today! LOVE YA!

signing off,

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