Sunday, 26 January 2020

Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts (1870) / Wilson Homer

Women in the Garden / Claude Monet

Portrait of Anne Elizabeth Hood / Cyrus Johnson

Painters that inspired costumes in 'Little Women' the movie (2019).

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Dear kleebobs,
I’m going through my Europe pictures and am thinking of that trip, as i usually do. And I just wanted to tell you... seize the world, fall so hard in love in the way only ignorance allows. I’m proud of you, excited for you, anticipating the stories you will tell.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

i could fit perfect puzzle pieces
tightly fitting the lines of this trembling
oh so satisfying
hear the dull click as the sides intertwine
oh, oh the tension in the back of my mind
i never see it coming
until it reaches my temples
and sears lines from my forehead to the bottom of my heart
and i sag
hold on to a chair for support
and tell myself not to do it again

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

i wonder if it is all selfish, heartless, to care even a millisecond about one's daily going-ons with what happens in Hong Kong, Iran, Australia, India.